Part 10: Interlude - The Portopia Manual + Other Stuff
Interlude - The Portopia Manual + Other Stuff
So apparently, DvD Translations (the guys who translated the game), also went through the pains of translating the map and manual of the game. Its not necessary, but it definitely gives us a visual as to how everything is laid out.
Im sure he has a girlfriend and goes outside.

Of course, you could probably do the same thing on Google Maps, but thats not the point.
Ooo, oooo, try to find the dude disposing a body.

Most of this stuff has been reiterated in the LP already, but there are a few things to note

For one, the manual starts off with the PC-6001 introduction. In the Famicom port, youre thrust immediately into the case with no prior knowledge of any kind, so I guess the game assumes youve read the manual beforehand.

The manual also features pretty artwork to instill morals into the minds and souls of children.
Id pay to see children knife fighting ala West Side Story.

I dont think weve seen evidence that Yasu is a gentleman. If anything, weve seen the complete opposite.
Yasuhiko has a serious case of boy band hair.
A couple of updates ago posted:
Entering the uncouth institution results in Yasu being overwhelmed by his male hormones. Im pretty sure this game didnt get the Nintendo Seal of Approval back then.
: Go wild, kid
: You mean I can really go? Gladly!
Wow, this is amazing!
Its out of this world!
Oh, my!
Oh man, that was good!
: ...I...what did I watch ?
Okay, this is territory even I wouldnt go into.

Another thing to note is that Fumie and Komiya have their first/last names listed here, something that wasnt mentioned in the game itself.

The manual also gives us a handy-dandy guide through the first section of the game, in case you were too lazy to figure it out for yourself.
Someone colorblind might have a tougher time, however.

Finally, the manual gives a Q&A session at the end, in case you get stuck somewhere.

Aside from the controls and the investigation notes, everything has been more or less covered in the LP itself. If you really want to, you can read it here, but its not necessary when were this far into the game.